South Carolina Career Development Association


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  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023 12:30 PM | Anonymous

    Warm Greetings SCCDA members and friends!

    I am honored and humbled to serve as the new President of South Carolina Career Development Association. I am grateful to all of our members for your trust in me to lead SCCDA through its next phase of growth and development.

    It would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention all the greats who came before me! Sylvie Golod led passionately getting SCCDA back up and running. Sherry Williams led strategically providing order to what Sylvie started. Aimeé Carter led us resiliently through COVID. And, Brenda Gardner led inspirationally while bringing the fire back! It’s my hope that I lead authentically.

    We’ve been able to accomplish great things as an organization. As we move forward, we have many exciting opportunities to expand and improve. I am committed to working with all of our members to ensure that we achieve our goals and build a stronger, more vibrant, and more impactful South Carolina Career Development Association.

    It is my hope that we can and will be able to enthusiastically answer, “What is the benefit of being a member of SCCDA?” If I had to choose a theme for this year, it would be, “Value Added.” We will continue to add value to our organization as well as to ourselves.
    My primary goals as President are to:

      1. Retain and grow our membership

      2. Increase the value of our organization to our members

      3. Foster a greater sense of community within our organization.

    To grow and retain our membership, we will expand our reach to career development professionals across the entire state of South Carolina in all constituency groups and provide resources and support to promote growth in their careers and the people they serve. To do this, we will continue to be responsive to our members' needs, offering programming and services that are relevant, accessible, and effective.

    Another goal is to increase the value of our organization to our members. We want to be the go-to source for career development professionals, giving knowledge, know-how, and tools necessary to be successful in our work. To achieve this, we must continually monitor the most recent developments in our industry's trends and body of knowledge, as well as ensure that the programs and services we provide are as creative and effectivve as possible.


    Yet another important area of concentration is collaboration. Together, we are stronger, and by collaborating with others, we can accomplish a lot.

    In order to take advantage of our combined talents and accomplish our common objectives, I think we should be looking for opportunities to work together and form partnerships with groups that share our values.

     Additionally, I believe that we need to foster a greater sense of community within our organization. We must continue to create opportunites for our members to communicate and form bonds with one another both offline and online.

    As we cross the complicated and constantly changing world of career development, we ought to be celebrating our accomplishments, disclosing our struggles, and helping one another.

    Finally, I want to say that I am enthusiastic about the future of our organization. I think that we are in a great position to have a big influence. Together, we can do this.

    I'm committed to working with all of you to accomplish our objectives and develop a South Carolina Career Development Association that is more powerful, vibrant, and interconnected. I'm eager to lead our organization as president.

    Susan Bennett, MHS, CCSP, GCDF
    Lexington One School District
    SCCDA President  | 2023 - 2024

  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023 12:27 PM | Anonymous

    2022-2023 Farewell President's Message

    Hello SCCDA members and friends!

    If 2022-23 were a movie, it would be The Return to In-Person … starring robust meetings, lively workshops, and engaging conferences.

    I am so grateful for the ability to discuss and collaborate with others around the state on workforce issues, and after two years of disruption to varying degrees from COVID, the extroverted portion of me is dancing with joy.

    Sometimes it takes the absence of something to understand its power, and that’s been the case for me with curtailing in-person interaction with COVID. I missed the collaborating with others, casual conversations turning into action, and brainstorming better ideas.

     For SCCDA, there has been equal power in this year returning to in-person. Membership has grown, we produced an in-person conference in November with excellent speakers and networking opportunities, and the virtual portion we retained – the virtual chats – served as a link in between.

    The fall conference at Saluda Shoals on “Navigating Mental Health in the Workplace” couldn’t have been more timely. Dr. Samer Touma’s keynote, the AbleSC session with Dori Tempio, Dr. April Scott, and Jessica Pooser with SC Vocational Rehabilitation all provided relevant presentations.

    And who could forget the most popular catch-phrase of the day? 

    In encouraging taking annual leave to promote self-care, PTO (paid time off) really stands for Prepare The Others!

    At our latest virtual chat in March, distinguished Toastmaster Lefford Fate spoke about “springing forward,” reminding us that we can’t fill from an empty cup. It’s a well used phrase, but what struck me was one comment: we must be a river versus a reservoir.

    There’s a lot more in store for 2023-24, with the leadership of our new president, Susan Bennett, and I can’t wait for the highlight reel next year!
    If you haven’t made SCCDA part of your preparation for the future, check us out today at

    Brenda Gardner, MPA, GCDF

    SC Department of Commerce
    SCCDA President | 2022-2023

  • Monday, April 24, 2023 9:26 AM | Anonymous

  • Friday, March 03, 2023 1:55 PM | Anonymous

    President's Message

    Hello SCCDA members and friends!

    While driving home, a headline from this week’s business news jerked me to attention. “Japanese “flying car’ manufacturer to enter US market with South Carolina headquarters”? For anyone who watched the Jetsons as a child, there is no doubt anymore -- we’ve arrived. Sure, Jetson gadgets have incrementally become reality: the flat screen TV, the video chat, Rosey the robotic maid – or at least the Rosey the Roomba. But a flying car?

    Welcome, 2023! The company bringing the “flying car” is SkyDrive, which made the announcement this month at the annual VFS eVTOL Symposium in Mesa, Arizona; it has plans to open an office in Beaufort County.

    Electric vehicles are gaining market share at a much quicker pace than predicted, now expected to outsell combustion engines by 2040 – just 17 years from now. In January, a company called Proterra in Greer produced its first EV, or electric vehicle battery. And just a month before, Redwood Materials a producer of anode and cathode battery components for electric vehicles, announced plans to establish operations in Berkeley County.

    The company’s $3.5 billion investment, which marks the largest economic development announcement in the history of South Carolina, will create 1,500 new jobs. This South Carolina campus will create a circular supply chain for electric vehicles.

    It’s true, South Carolina has become a launching pad for the future. What does this mean for career development and workforce professionals?  Change.

    And lots of it. Which means your skills are more important than ever as the career and workforce landscape morphs continuously. The advice you give clients, be they students, seniors, or anything in between, must be timely and accurate so they can make informed career decisions.

    That’s why associations like SCCDA are so important. We provide professional development opportunities for members to stay abreast of trends, make contacts, and network with other professionals in a range of constituencies. Our fall conferences have been packed with practical information, and our virtual chats allow you to network and stay up-to-date without traveling to yet another meeting. We’ve even offered webinar watch parties!
    If you haven’t made SCCDA part of your preparation for the future, check us out today at

    Brenda Gardner, MPA, GCDF
    SC Department of Commerce
    SCCDA President | 2022-2023

  • Wednesday, September 28, 2022 10:35 AM | Anonymous

    Hello SCCDA members and friends!

    Finally! There is a whiff of fall in the air, and a morning chill that surprises me every year after the unrelenting heat of summer.

    Besides the cooler weather, pumpkins and football, fall brings our annual professional development conference on November 9. And this year’s promises to be the best ever!

    We are back in person at Saluda Shoals River Center, which alone is great news after two plus years of isolation due to COVID. But our conference topic is one that resonates deeply right now: Navigating Mental Health in the Workplace.

    According to the Department of Labor, nearly 1 in 5 American may experience some form of mental health condition each year. In Lyra Health’s 2022 State of Workforce Mental Health, employees’ mental health is at an all-time low.

    “Nearly a third (31 percent) of workers surveyed said their mental health has declined over the past year—up from 24 percent at the end of 2020,” it said.


    Dr. Samer Touma delivering the keynote address, “Mental Health Matters.” and surely the double meaning is intentional. Of course, we will discuss mental health matters, but with the statistics currently being experienced in the workplace, mental health matters above most else.

    There will also be sessions on mental health topics from AbleSC, USC, SC Thrive, and Vocational Rehabilitation.
    If you haven’t registered, sign up now here.

    Brenda Gardner, MPA, GCDF

    SC Department of Commerce
    SCCDA President | 2022-2023

  • Wednesday, September 07, 2022 11:10 AM | Anonymous

    Hello SCCDA members and friends!
    Greetings as we head into the hottest months of the year, but also the ones when many memories are made. I am humbled to serve as your SCCDA president for 2022-23, and look forward to growing the organization in numbers and in opportunities for professional development. 

    My first act as president will be to publicly acknowledge Aimee Carter’s service as president before me for not one, but two years. So thank you to Aimee, who carried SCCDA through with skill and heart. And she did so during an unprecedented time of uncertainty.

    The pandemic has been a silent shadow with all of us since 2020. But what impact did it really have on our clients, our students, and the workforce? There is anecdotal evidence in abundance, as students and adults have spent critical developmental years in the virtual environment without hands-on learning or in-person social interaction.

    Generation Z, in particular, seems to be disproportionately affected. According to an survey, 82% of Generation Z said they have never worked in an in-person office environment full time. Of that percentage, 85 percent said they worry that they are at a disadvantage when it comes to learning professional “soft skills”

    A new partnership between the SC Department of Commerce, SC Competes, and Tallo tackles a portion of that question with four available assessments to better identify skills gaps for long term career retention of Generation Z workforce.

    The new pilot resource is available for 16- to 24-year-olds who have been negatively impacted by COVID (and really, who hasn’t?). Four assessments are available to gauge knowledge in five core professional competencies: Communication, Drive for Results, Customer Service, Adaptability and Critical Thinking. These four assessments are in: General Employability, Manufacturing Employability, IT Employability and Healthcare Employability. They take clients/students roughly 20-25 minutes and include an individualized report on where they stand in that industry and competency compared to their peers. 

    This tool is free until September 15, 2022. If you have clients or know of individuals in this age range, this is a great resource to dive into those skill gaps and create remedies before they enter the workforce.

    With efforts like these, South Carolina can surely make the most of every talent we have! To access the assessments or to learn more, please visit: 

    Brenda Gardner, MPA, GCDF
    SC Department of Commerce

    SCCDA President | 2022-2023

  • Wednesday, June 15, 2022 12:32 PM | Anonymous

    Let's welcome Jennifer Woody on the SCCDA Communications Committee!  We are excited to have her join our team!  Read below to find out who she is! 

    What career and workforce development work do you do with your respective constituency group? 

    In my current role as Regional Career Specialist I work with school districts within the Pendleton Region.  The region is comprised of Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens.  My initiatives include collaborating with stakeholders from K-12th grade to provide greater awareness around career and workforce needs in our region. 

     What do you love most about the work that you do?

    I love getting to help others.  I have a passion for seeing others succeed, and my current role allows me make a difference with adults and students.  For me, this is the best of both worlds!

  • Wednesday, June 15, 2022 12:29 PM | Anonymous

    This year's NCDA Poetry and Art Contest Winners have been announced!

    In South Carolina, there were 10 winners represented!

    Click here to see the full list:

  • Tuesday, May 03, 2022 7:55 AM | Anonymous member

    Hello SCCDA members and friends!
    As I type, I hear the tune of The Beatles song, Hello Goodbye, play in my head.  This will be my last newsletter message as your president.
    Serving in this role for the past two years has been both challenging and rewarding. I’m thankful for a supportive board and core members who have hung with us.  In just a few months, our president-elect and founding member, Brenda Gardner, will assume the role. You all are in good hands!
    This is a busy time of year for everyone, and I find myself pushing the deadline to get something meaningful on paper for our dedicated communications committee to share. I looked back at previous messages and thought about how it really isn’t what I say (you read), it is the fact you’re reading it – you’re engaged, connected, and interested. We all know that’s important, but it is tough to practice for ourselves and model for others.

    That said, I encourage you to keep reading and participating when and where you can. Like I said in my last closing, you’re needed more than ever. That has not changed, and we must take care of ourselves so we can continue to do the necessary and good work of career development.
    Goodbye as your president, and hello to serving and learning with you in the coming year.
    Aimee Carter
    SCCDA President
  • Wednesday, November 24, 2021 12:32 PM | Anonymous

    Happy Thanksgiving! This greeting kicks off the holiday season in America. We've heard and said it often the past few weeks. Most of the time, we even consciously mean it. Yet, on occasion, this phrase feels no more than a routine thing to say throughout November. Although the pandemic lingers, so many things are returning to normal. So, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to be both authentic and thankful, particularly during the hustle and bustle of the holidays as we pass Thanksgiving and go into December. What feels right and true nowadays? What am I truly grateful for? How can I express thankfulness in a way that feels genuine and is well-received?
    As career developers, you can probably relate. Self-reflection is common in our profession. And, for such insight, I’m truly grateful. Because of our interest, skills, and talents, we are positioned to not only challenge ourselves to grow personally and professionally but are capable and equipped to do the same for others. That’s a gift that keeps on giving!
    This also reminds me of ideas shared in our recent conference, Back to the Future, hosted virtually earlier this month. Over 50 attendees were challenged to explore awkwardness to strengthen ourselves and our inclusive relationships. We learned how mindfulness is one of many ways we can combat pandemic brain. And, in the spirit of looking at things differently, we can flip the script on the traditional résumé.

    So, what’s the connection to thankfulness and authenticity? The conference revealed humans can be both authentic and awkward at the same time. For me, I can be truly thankful under stress if I remain intentional. I can choose to see what used to be normal from a different lens and know that it’s OK. I can experience and express gratitude honestly because I choose this perspective.

    Perhaps most importantly, I can acknowledge not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving for a variety of reasons. That’s fine. In fact, that’s great because I can learn from that and better understand the perspective and meaningful transitions of others.
    So, as you say and/or hear “Happy Thanksgiving” each year, consider those around you. Think about it, and take it in. Smile and give yourself, your heart, and your brain a chance to experience it in the spirit of peace, love and belongingness we all long for.
    I’m thankful for you!

    Inspired by you,
    Dr. Aimeé C. Carter, GCDF, CCSP

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South Carolina Career Development Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2613, Columbia, SC 29201

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